6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” Luke 6.20
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God, blessed are you who are hungry, for you will be filled, Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you and exclude you … defame you on account of the Son of man, Rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven.”
The Beatitudes; A call of a disciple to live the high way to the Kingdom of God.
The Gospel stated, “Jesus looked up at his Disciples, and said…” These words of the Beatitudes are addressed directly to us, disciples of Christ.
At the time of Christ, much of what he taught in the Beatitudes would have been revolutionary. Its words turned the theological understanding of the time upside down. Let us reflect on just one of the verses of the beatitudes; “Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, yours is the kingdom of God;”
The entire context of Luke 4: 17 -19 sheds light on the meaning of the term “poor,” or “rich;” The theological understanding of the time taught that riches, fortunes and good health were signs of one’s righteousness with God. Conversely, poverty, illness and misfortunes of life were signs of unfaithfulness and consequence of sin and therefor a punishment.
Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain, proclaims that membership of the Kingdom of God, included all in Luke 6:17; “but to you who listen, I say.”
God’s fulfillment of the promise in Jesus calls all to his Kingdom. Those who acknowledge the need of Salvation through Him, are the poor of God; Those that confess God’s Kingdom is effected in Jesus. The rich are those who do not want to commit themselves to Jesus and the Kingdom he effects; (Jerome pg. 695)
A question then arises, “How could Jesus justify such a radical teaching, involving himself as the only Salvation?
Well, first and foremost, Jesus is Emanuel (God with us,) He is the fulfillment of the Promise. Secondly, an attentive reader or listener, would quickly realize that behind the Sermon on the Plain or the Sermon of the Mountain, depicted Jesus the Beatitudes.
Jesus; God among us, emptied himself off his glory and took our nature becoming one with us and went to the Cross, so that he could reconcile us to God, Our Father. He chose to be poor in every aspect, so that we could have life and have it in full. Jesus lived the Beatitudes, thus they are the Way to the kingdom, because He is the Way and the Life. Living the Beatitudes is being Christ Like.
As Children of Light, the Gospel exults us to rejoice and reap for joy, for the way to the Kingdom is known to us and if we follow it our reward will be great in Heaven.
Blessed are you because you Believe.